General Care and Safety of Your Kitten

Oh what a joy it is to have a kitten in your home. These little bundles of energy will make you laugh as they discover the wonderland of their world. A young kitten will explore everything from cupboards to washing machines, so it is essential to look after them as you would a human toddler. They will often get under your feet as you walk, so practice extreme caution with your little furry adventurer. Don’t leave your young kitten to roam the whole house while you are out. Rather confine them to a smaller, safe room while you are away. Make sure that the room is safe and has their food, water and litter-box in it.

We always recommend that you microchip your kitten. A collar with your details on is also a good idea to increase the chances of your kitten being found, if he should get lost. The collar MUST be elasticised or quick-release, otherwise the collar poses as a danger for strangulation, should your kitten get snagged on a branch or anything else they climb on.

Playtime is a big motivation in your kitten’s life. Make sure that you have cat toys for him to play with, but make sure to supervise your kitten while he is playing with his toys. Playing with your kitty will cement the bond between you, not to mention it’s a natural stress reliever for you. There is no way you could possibly be engaged in play with a cat and not be relaxed and happy.

A scratching post is an essential item for your kitten, they love ones that double up as a jungle gym, which they can climb and play on. Get a post that will be large enough for your kitten once he has grown into an adult cat. An adult cat should also be able to stretch upwards, as far as possible on the post, as this is his natural scratching position. A scratching post will also discourage a cat from scratching your furniture. Place the scratching post in your living area so he will enjoy his scratching, near you and will avoid your nice new couch. Train your kitten to use the post by playing with toys on and around the post, also use catnip to encourage him towards it. If he should try scratch your gorgeous sofa or granny’s armchair, discourage him by spritzing him with a spray bottle filled with water (only do this if you catch him in the act).

Cat doors are an excellent tool to give your cat his freedom to the outdoors. Patience is key when training your kitten to use the cat door. Leave the door open for a few days, keeping it open by attaching a peg to the top of the flap when it is open. Use food and treats to entice your kitten through the door. Gradually, close the flap so your kitten gets used to opening the flap by himself, using his head and body.

A litter tray must always be available for your kitten, until they learn they can safely go outside. It is however, a good idea to have a permanent litter tray indoors, as your cat may be unwilling to go outside to the bathroom if the weather is unpleasant. There are many kinds of cat litter, some more appropriate for kittens than others, so be sure to ask our in-store assistants for advice on choosing the most appropriate kind. You may have to experiment with different kinds until you find one that your kitty approves of. Remember to have your litter tray in a quiet corner that gives your kitten some privacy and easy access, far from their food and water. Daily cleaning of the litter tray is essential for the hygiene of your kitten and your home.

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