Caring for Mice

Mice are tiny in size (7,5cm) and their life-span is short (about 2 years). These petite social pets are exceptionally cute, and their behaviour will bring you much joy.

Mice are adaptable little creatures and appreciate and thrive on good, ambient room temperatures. You need a good sized cage for them as they are very active; in fact, the larger the better. You may buy them a glass, plastic or metal cage. Good ventilation is imperative in for their cage, but you really need to make sure the cage is escape-proof, as they are rather crafty. Place their cage in a space that has no direct sun-light, draughts or extreme temperature changes.

Mice like both exercise and having a hidey-hole in which to sleep, so ensure that you have a hiding place for them in their cage. Their bedding is important and you will need to make their bedding at least 4 – 5cm deep. The best materials for them are; plain shredded paper (NO ink), or Aspen bedding (please ask our in-store assistants). Please DO NOT USE any kind of Cedar or pine shavings as it can cause respiratory issues.

When keeping small animals, it is important to keep the species separated. Do not keep male and female mice together. Females will co-exist happily and males will be happy together as long as they have been introduced at a young age. Males will fight if they are put together as adults.

Being very spirited and energetic creatures, it is important to keep your mouse active and exercised. By nature, they are very inquisitive and love hiding places as well as toys to keep them stimulated through the course of their day and night; they are nocturnal animals. Tunnels are great for them to play and hide in. Also, give them toys, such as ladders, balls, wheels and maybe a few natural branches to play in and around. Have safe chewing toys at their disposal. These are not only for play; they also need them for the hygiene and up-keep of their teeth. If they do not have anything to gnaw on, their teeth, especially their incisors, will become over-grown, which can lead to heath issues. As active and interactive as they are, they are also very easily startled, so do not make any sudden moves or noises around them and keep them away from any sudden temperature changes.

They are very sociable and will come out of their cage for company and comfort. Always make sure your hands are clean when handling them. Due to their sensitive nature, cup them gently in your hands when handling them. DO NOT EVER pick them up by their tails. They can be coaxed out with treats (which they love) and by doing so, they will learn to understand that treats will mean it’s play time outside of the cage, and they will be more amicable and social. Taking your mouse out of its cage is important, as it will help cement the bond with you and your pet. These animals need daily love and affection. Please make sure that the room is secure when removing your mouse from its cage, and that no other pets are around that may endanger its life.

Mice are naturally very clean creatures and will spend time cleaning and grooming themselves, however, they are not partial to bathing. As long as their cage is clean they will be more than happy to look after themselves, hygienically. Make sure that their bedding is always clean and dry, as damp and dusty bedding is not good for their health. Replace their bedding once or twice week and make sure to remove any wet spots daily. Their food and water containers must be cleaned daily. It is a good idea to use a hanging water bottle rather than a shallow bowl, as the bowl can be tipped over easily and make a mess in the cage.

ALWAYS check the health of your pets on a daily basis. These are both the good and bad health signs in a mouse:


  • Sociable
  • Makes Squeaky noises
  • Alert
  • Active
  • Healthy looking coat
  • Good appetite
  • Drinks water
  • Bright eyes
  • Walks without lethargy or difficulty


  • Subdued
  • Lethargic
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drinks less
  • Weight loss
  • Hair loss or bad coat
  • Diarrhoea or unclean posterior
  • Sores on the skin
  • Any eye or nasal discharges
  • Overgrown teeth

Please consult your vet if your mouse is experiencing any of these symptoms


Always feed your mouse high quality food and ask our in-store assistants about available mouse treats. Their diet should consist of 90% pellets and 10% fruit and vegetables. Their fresh food should consist of the following:

  • Sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Pears, Apples
  • Raisins
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Peas
  • Dates
  • Broccoli

Please DO NOT feed them ANY of the following as they are bad for their health and well-being:

  • Peanuts
  • Corn
  • Onions
  • Cabbage
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • ANY form of junk-food or sugar
  • Raw beans

Their fresh food should not stay in their cage for longer than 24 hours.

ALWAYS make sure that they have clean, fresh water every day.